Friday, January 27, 2012

#GetLoaded Final Stop and #Giveaway

Welcome to #GetLoaded.  This is the final stop on the tour.  You should have come here from Sherry Roberts’ blog.  Be sure to check the IBC blog in case you missed any stops and to gather today's Scavenger Hunt Clues.

Now that that’s out of the way it’s time to get locked and loaded

What is this madness? What does it mean? Well, I’m glad you asked. It means you can get lots of free ebooks, enter to win *amazing* prize packs and an AWESOME grand prize.
As you are prowling the savannah of the internet hunting up clues, you may stumble upon Neiko’s Five Land Adventure, grab it quick but don’t get lost in this amazing fantasy just yet there’s a lot more to come. Your journey doesn’t have to start Anew when the Archer brothers are available to help you along the way.  But the streets may be calling to you with A Hustler’s Promise. Or perhaps you are looking for a Book ofMercy with quirky and fun characters to share your day.

Here you will discover Secrets of the paranormal and life-altering kind. Olivia Martin was just a normal girl with a normal life. She had her family and her best friend, Juliet, and a promising career. Everything was perfect until she met a man. A man she couldn’t figure out or explain why she felt connected to him. Piece by piece her life falls apart as she is gets closer to a world she would have never believed existed. Secrets is a book about love, heart break, friendships, and the truth we keep hidden from the world—and sometimes even ourselves.

To get a copy of Secrets all you have to do is leave a comment with your name and email address.

But wait, there’s more!

In the book Olivia and her best friend, Juliet, stay in for a girls’ movie night and what 80’s classics. Dreams also play a prevalent role in Olivia’s life. Therefore, I bring you,

The Secrets Girls Night In gift basket.

*Breakfast Club dvd
*Say Anything dvd
*A dream journal
*Signed copy of Secrets
*Assorted Lindt Truffles
*Ghirardelli Dark chocolate and sea-salted caramel
*Kettle Corn
*Secrets/Dark Corners bookmark

To win this gift basket leave a comment (with your name and email address) on my wonderful and delightful sponsor’s blog, E-Readingon the Cheap. After you leave your comment (with email address!!) head over to the IBC blog and follow their clues for your very own adventure and chance to win a KINDLE!

For those of you who already have a Kindle, my first book, Dark Corners, is available for today only for free on Amazon

Thank you so much for stopping by today. I would love to hear from you!


LizzieBeth said...

Good morning.

I've got to say that I like the cover of your book very much, Liz. Makes me want to read it all the more.

Hope everything is going well for you with this tour. Best of success to you and all involved, as well.

Lovey Dovey Books said...

Secrets sounds like an interesting book, I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing of it! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Candace @ Lovey Dovey Books

I want that prize back, The Breakfast Club!!! :) I commented on your sponsors page, also.

Laurie T said...

Hi! I haven't heard of Secrets but the blurb makes me want to read it. Very mysterious. Great gift bag too. Love those movies! Thanks for the wonderful goodies.


Sandy said...

Your book sounds amazing! Thanks so much for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Your books sounds great. I cant wait to read it. Thanks!

Rachel V

Anne said...

Both books sound great. I enjoy mysteries.

BTW, Dark Corners is free right now to regular Amazon customers, not just Prime. Don't forget if you don't have a kindle you can download an app for your PC. I download any interesting free kindle books for when, fingers crossed now, I get one.

Sarah Delacueva said...

I hope you are having a happy Blog Tour! Your book sounds intriguing and I loved the dramatic music and photography in the trailer! Thanks for the giveaway (Kindle version please).


Elizabeth said...

Hi, I love the Blog Tours and learning about new authors. Your book sounds great and I can't wait to read it. Thanks a bunch! I prefer the Kindle version.

Eileen said...

the book sounds great! I cannot wait to read it.

eileen at booksrusonline dot com

Shrouded Heart said...

Your books sound right up my alley :) I'll be heading to amazon after this to pick up a copy of Dark Corners. Thank you for participating in the blog tour!


brooke said...

Hello! Your book sounds amazing. I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you!!!

elfinfaerie at msn dot com

Cindy said...

thank you for the opportunity to learn about you and your books. This has been alot of fun!

Anonymous said...

I love The Breakfast Club!

Your book sounds amazing and I can't wait to read it!!

Saphsbookblog at gmail dot com

divavixenqueen said...

Book sounds wonderful. Hope you have much success with it.

Ollie said...

I Love 80's movies!!!!! So I know this book is going to be Great!!!!! I can't wait to discover the Secrets..........Much success to you, and glad that we met.

Thank you,
Ollie Moss

Unknown said...

This is fantastic and I love 80's movies. Can't wait to read the book!


Crystal Young said...

I loved the 80's and can't wait to read the book Thanks

Liz Schulte's Blog said...

Thank you all! I am so happy to meet you. I will start sending out the emails now. :-) I hope you like the book/s. I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to friend me on Facebook or Twitter.

Thilde said...

The books looks great :)

Anita said...

I can't wait to read looks great.

Desmond Hall said...

I hope you are having a great Blog Tour!

DC Hall

Tawnya Peltonen said...

I cannot wait to read both Secrets and Dark Corners. They book look really interesting. And the gift baskets look amazing! The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies and I adore Lindt and Ghirardelli. Thanks for the giveaway!

Tammi said...

I really can't wait to read your book, it sounds great.
I love these movies, I've seen them a million times but never bought them. I would love to have my own copies! But we've all won anyway we got free books!!
Thank You and All The other Authors for all the free Books!!!!
Sincerely, Tammi

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read these books!! I love Jennifer Oliver's work!!

Cynthia Fox-Giddens said...

Just watched the Trailer for the book "Secrets" and I must say it's very intriguing. I would love to place a bookmark in this read and delve deep into the secrets that lie ahead for Olivia.

Barbara said...

Haven't heard much about Secrets...but it looks VERY interesting...LOVE the cover! Can't wait to read it! THX!

Tamsyn said...

Hi Liz,
Thank you for an awesome blog hop and giveaway. Your book sounds interesting and I am looking forward to reading it. I would like to have it in PDF format please.
tamsyn5(at)yahoo(dot) com

Larisa Papy said...

Your book seems amazing!I liked the trailer and it made me very curious.

larisapapy[at]yahoo[dot]com - ePub format please.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for participating in this fun blog tour. I'm really looking forward to reading your books!


Unknown said...

I loved Dark Corners! I cant wait to finish reading Secrets! Its turning out to be a great book. everydimecounts at gmail dot com

Sherry Roberts said...

Go, Liz. Secrets is aptly named because there are secrets tucked inside secrets in this great book. You will be glad you picked this one up. Have a great tour.

kkellijo said...

Your book sounds great!!!

Anonymous said...

The book sounds great

JeanMP said...

Your book sounds very interesting, enjoyed the trailer. Look forward to reading Dark Corners also. Thanks for being part of this fun blog hop.

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Martha Schlegel said...

Your book sounds great and the cover is stunning! Thanks for participating in the tour and offering your book!!! Martha -

aztel2000 said...

I'm excited to get started on both books--they sound like great reads. Love the trailer too!
Thanks, Karen in Breezy Point
kmartin at uslink dot net

Anonymous said...

I am new to this blog thing. Thanks for the free books. I am an avid reader and anxious to read them. I loved the trailer!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this book tour. Looking forward to receiving a copy. pringpringles(at)yahoo(dot)(com)


Nikki said...

Te book sounds fab!! I can't wait to read it!! Thank you so much for joining in this great event. I love your rating system:) Mine is spiders, but bats awesome too!!

Amanda Taylor said...

Hello Liz, just dropping in to say hello and wish you well on your tour day ;).

Lori @ Romancing the Dark Side said...

I'm intrigued by that summary, sounds like a great read. Thanks for being so generous with your readers!

Mish said...

Ooh sounds fun. I look forward to reading it. If you have it in epub format that would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this giveaway! I'm excited about Secrets (and Dark Corners!)

Brittany C. said...

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this giveaway :)I can read ebooks in any format so whatever is easiest for you to send would be just fine with me! :)

brittanyrose40 AT yahoo DOT com

Al said...

Would love to read your book.


kindle format please

Anme said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I'm really curious to see what happens in your book, it sounds good.
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

Would love Secrets!

I did a review for Dark Corners awhile back on Makobi Scribe. Love your writing!

Katie said...

Thank you for offering your book for us to read! I love reading, and I am so looking forward to diving into the world you have created.

redneckinn2006 (at) gmail (dot) com

loves to dive said...

Book sounds great can't wait to read it, I went over to the Big A and grabbed Dark Corners as well, I think I'm going to need lots of wine to keep me from being too scared.
lvs2dv (at) gmail (dot) com

Coleen Patrick said...

Love the trailer Liz!
Just downloaded my copy of Dark Corners--thanks :)

ArtemisG said...

The trailer and the cover are very beautiful except of the story of course.
Thank you very much!

artgiote at gmail dot com

Krysykat said...

This book looks awesome :) I want to read it so badly *jumps up and down* Um you overlook my enthusiasm, I feel kinda creepy now.


Denise S said...

I love your contest Idea with the book Secrets and made it into a Girls Night gift.

Christy said...

I ran over real quick and grabbed Dark Corners. I'm sure I will definitely enjoy reading Secrets as well.
christygibbon at juno dot com

Liz Schulte's Blog said...

Thank you all so much! I wish blogger would let me comment to each of you individually!

jbon said...

Great giveaway!! Looking forward to reading the book :)

Unknown said...

I'd like to get your book. Mobi, if possible

kolists a\t gmail dt com

Liz Schulte's Blog said...

@jbon, I just need an email address for you and I will send a book your way.

jessica said...

Love the Secrets trailer! I hope that you have a great weekend!
jessangil at gmail dot com
-Jessica B

Tink said...

Love the trailer! Can't wait to read :)

Gena Robertson said...

Liz, thank you so much for your generous offer! You are a new to me author, so I'm so thrilled to know that I can get book one today and read it first and that I can go right on into book two! PDF files work best for me =)

The book trailer is outstanding, and I'm very excited to read this series.

I hope 2012 brings you every golden opportunity to further your career and continues to bring you much success!

Gena Robertson

Denise Z said...

OMG - what were you thinking! Chocolate and sea salted caramels, Dark Corners on Amazon for free today, and giving away Secrets - good gracious woman you trying to start a stampede. Between the new season of Justified starting up and the treats offered on this tour, I just don't know how much more excitement I can take :) Thank you so much for participating in this fun and for your incredible generosity. As an avid reader I am so appreciative of the talents you share with us and I am really looking forward to reading Secrets. I am happy with a mobi, ePub, or PDF, which ever is easiest for you. Sending you good thoughts of joy and much continued success your way with tons of appreciation!

Theresa said...

Thank you so much for participating in the blog hop! I couldn't wait to get to your site today and thanks too for the book!! Can't wait to read it. By the way..........I loved the trailer! MOBI files work best for me. Thanks again for the great book!

Pam said...

Secrets sounds great. And I just grabbed Dark Corners off of Amazon! Really excited about this tour and all the free books. It's amazing. Thank you! Best of luck with all you do. =)


Brooke said...

I'm looking forward to reading Secrets.

Thank you for the offer,

Amber said...

I love giveaways. I also love having a girls night in with my mother and sisters.
Amber P.

Chelsea Fine said...

Hi Liz! :) Oh. My. Goodness> That gift basket looks heavenly!! :) Happy blog tour day!

Brandy B aka Brandlwyne said...

Hi, your books both sound amazing so when I'm done here and going to get your first one over and Amazon :) I would love to see more of you work.

brandyzbooks at yahoo dot com

Debbie G. said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway, I can't wait to read "Secrets"! A kindle version works best for me, if it's possible. I had just picked up "Dark Corners" this morning at Amazon.
Thanks again!


Marta said...

Hi Liz,

Your book sounds great, I am so looking forward to reading it! Thank you so much for taking part of this blog tour :)

mpa931 at yahoo dot es

Debbie G. said...

Wow, that was fast! Thanks again, "Secrets" is now on my Kindle and I'm very excited to start reading it!

Valerie Nuy said...

Hi Liz, Thanks to Bookish Snob, I got this and would love to start reading 'Secrets' on my kindle. Thanks

Belinda said...

What a great event! I've heard so many amazing things about Secrets and would love a copy! Thanks for the chance.


Liz Schulte's Blog said...

@Valerie Do you have an email address I can send Secrets to?

Anonymous said...

I love your trailer, it makes me want to read Secrets even more, can't wait to get a copy. Thank you for the tour it is so much fun.

Jackie said...

Okay I am in, downloaded Dark Corners already and would love to read Secrets as well. Also since it just so happens my favorite music and movies are from the 80's the girls night in pack has two of my favorite 80's leading men Judd Nelson and John Cusack so that is worth whooping over also.

Nice to meet you Liz, thanks for the books and heading over to Ereadingonthecheap who actually since got the email feed is the reason am here now!

I have a Kindle DX so an appropriate file to put on my reader of a PRC or MOBI works for me.


Marlene Harris said...

This is a fantastic giveaway. Thanks so much for being part of the tour!
marlene (at) readingreality (dot) net

Sonya said...

Hi Liz,

Looking forward to reading your book. I can't wait to find out what the secret is. Thanks for doing this.


sidonie DOT wa AT netzero DOT net

Kristen Heyl said...

Looks like an awesome gift basket. Thanks for the chance to win it.

sweetreaderma at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I am always looking for good paranormal. Thanks
kindle3.user at verizon dot net

Klisabelle said...

Looks like a great prize. Sign me up to win! I loved Dark Corners so I'm sure I'll love this next one of yours! Can't wait to check it out!

Kristen Isabelle
(barn10 atsign comcast dot net)

Stacey Jo said...

I can't wait to read this book! The trailer is amazing!! Congrats :)

stacey jo

bakinstuff at yahoo

Kaira said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaryC said...

Thank you for being part of the tour. I do so appreciate that you, Jackie, A.K., Chelsea and Sherry have books in epub format as I own a Nook. I am aware of the Kindle app for computers, but it's not as convenient as my ereader.

jtcgc at yahoo dot com

Valerie Nuy said...

Not sure but here is my email address nuyner 02 at hotmail dot com. It will not let me publish otherwise.

Soccer Hostage said...

looking forward to your book! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

Thank you for participating in this fun tour! I would love to read Secrets :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book to read on my Kindle. Please send me a Mobi copy or a PDF that I can convert.


Jen B. said...

Thanks for the heads up about your free book at Amazon. I am looking forward to reading your work.

Calico Crazy said...

Your book sounds great, I can't wait to read it. ~ 1crazycalico(at)gmail(dot)com

Someone Somewhere said...

I'd love to read your book Secrets, if you can please send it in a pdf format.

Teresa K. said...


I'm so glad you decided to join the tour. I love seeing all the comments. If you hadn't been on the tour, I might have never found you. Thank you for being here.

Teresa K.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading your book, the tour allows me to read new authors I wouldn't otherwise find. Kindle version.

Bonnie Paton Pietruch

Jessica Anne said...

Thanks for participating in the blog tour! Can't wait to read your book! I'd like the kindle version, please.

Anonymous said...

Liz, Thanks, got Dark Corners. I would love to have Secrets in mobi format for my Kindle.

ackleybj [at] verizon [dot] net

Anonymous said...

Hi this is the greatest. I love these contest so much fun. Thank you for the ebook can't wait to read. Really sounds different and exciting. I went to your sponsor site and lrft a message. You did not ask for format so i am just leaving one just in case you need it. I use KINDLE for my laptop. I don;t have a ereader. Thanks again Joannie jscddmj [at] aol [dot] com

Mary Preston said...

I'm looking forward to reading SECRETS. Such a great tour thank you.


Michelle Tan said...

Sounds like a very exciting book! Would love to know more, and read the entire series. Interesting storyline too :D

Robin said...

I love that you are doing this. May I have a copy in mobi, epub or pdf. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read Secrets! I loved Dark Corners. I prefer a Kindle format, if there's a choice.

Thanks for this great giveaway!

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