Eek! It has been ages since I blogged.
Well since I last shared there has been lots of good food, bad food and workouts. I ran my fastest mile 12.2. Still not good, but I am improving and that is what really matters right? I have started reading Eat Pray Love with the girls.
I don't really dig chick books for the most part. This one is ok, I think what keeps me interested is the traveling aspect because I do love traveling more than most anything. Nothing is better than planning a trip then getting to actually be there. There is something magical and freeing about being in a place so completely foreign to you. I love it, it makes my soul happy. So on that one part I completely get the book. But the rest of it not as much. I believe the author could had histrionic personality disorder. That is just my guess based on the first 25 beads (aka chapters). All in all I am glad I am reading it and I do think it is the sort of books any girl could find something to identify with in it.
Speaking of traveling I have also started planning my 2011 vacation. There are so many options but I have narrowed it down to either Scotland and England or Ireland. I am leaning towards Ireland because it is a different sort of tour and it sounds like so much fun. It is a walking tour that sounds like there will be amazing opportunities for pictures and really seeing Ireland, not just the tourist spots. We'll see, currently I am in the process of recruiting people to come with me.
Today marks the beginning of my official 5k training. What was I doing up until this point, well I was training for the training. I was really out of shape. We'll see how the training program goes. I was filling what my runs should be according to Nike plus and I found myself thinking, only a 4 mile run instead of the frequent 7 mile run it has scheduled me for. Yikes!Only and 4 miles should never be together in any sentence I think... at least not pair with running.
I made the best healthified nachos this weekend. They were simply amazing. I have to say they were better than any other nachos I have had...ever. First I used organic Blue corn chips on the bottom of the plate. Then in a skillet I put a can of rinsed black beans and chopped tomatoes mixed with taco seasoning. Then I added in zucchini, celery, spinach, and broccoli. I topped with some onion powder, garlic, and sea salt. Cover and let simmer until veggies are soft. Then i added in 6 triangles of laughing cow swiss cheese and stirred until it was completely melted. Served over the chips and topped with pepperoncini's (from my garden!). Made 4 servings and it was so so so so good. Paired with a glass of wine. Pictured below. Mmmm