Okay so I am excited about Consequences coming out soon. It is currently with my editor, but I decided to share a little bit of the opening scene with you guys. This is completely unedited, but I hope you enjoy it!
"We have to go somewhere," the
growl came from the beautiful statue of a man standing beside me in the middle
of a deserted street. His voice made my heart patter and my brain struggle to
maintain control.
"Go wherever you want. No one is asking you to stay,"
the dimpled, normally gentle man in front of me began to take on the appearance
of an avenging angel with the light haloing him growing in intensity.
"Why don't we have a little chat, guardian?" Holden
easily looked more menacing—blood soaked, eyes flashing, and white teeth
gleaming out from his snarling mouth.
"We have to go somewhere," Femi repeated what
Holden said, but calmly, already bored with the guys’ bickering. "Holden's
suggestion is the only one I've heard."