Monday, April 4, 2011

Is Three Company or a Crowd?

I am finally taking a much needed break from editing. Dark Corners is 100% with my editor right now and I will sit back and await her expertise. During my break I can do fun things like finish up my first draft of the second book in the Guardian Trilogy– Choices. Yay!

I am so happy to be back writing. It is like a mental weight has been lifted and my brain is once again free to create. Writing relaxes me from the inside out, it is better than any massage I have ever had. Love it so, so much. Choices is being told by three separate narrators… my first three way ;-). I think I'm ready. I imagine it will cause some issues somewhere in the process, but in the end I feel this is the best way to tell their story so I am going for it.

So today’s question is how many narrators are too many? At what point do you as a reader say wait, who is talking now?

Photo by Kim


Elizabeth Sharp said...

Cannot wait to read it Liz. Glad you're having fun writing it... I am not yet sure what to think of my first real edit, too early to tell...

Liz Schulte's Blog said...

Like whether or not you like editing or whether or not you are feeling your story? Cause your story is awesome and you shouldn't be doubting that. Editing just isn't much fun. I don't mind the first couple rounds when I am filling in the story. The later ones when it is all sentence structure and grammar it starts to drag.

Two is heavy, I am having to work myself into quite a state to write it. I don't even want to think about editing this beast yet.

V.K. Tremain said...

LOL I can't wait to read it. I'm sure this 3-way will be awesome, since you're the one directing it hehe.

Elizabeth Sharp said...

Whether or not I like the filling out he story part of editing. I know I'll hate the word and sentence structure grind... I never finish my stories, so never make it to editing and making it a complete, filled out work, so it's all new territory here...

Yeah, I can understand having to work into it. I was bummed for two days after writing the death scene in mine. I'm dreading book two, because it's going to be darker...

Fortunately you're not too far in so you get to play with it a while longer before you have to think about editing it.

Shadow Stephens said...

Wow! What an awesome concept-more than one narrator. If anyone can pull this off you can.

Chrysoula Tzavelas said...

Are we talking first person narrators? Because I'm an old-fashioned kind of girl. I like just one. I actually think 'I need multiple points of view' is a great reason to decide for third person.

But I will say I don't understand why first person is so popular these days. I'm clearly in the minority!

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