Whew! You made it. Welcome to the final stop!
Thank you all for participating and for the wonderful support you have shown these last two weeks. I appreciate all you have done to help me, and I hope you enjoy Dark Corners. A special thank you to the Bookish Snob and to all the blogs who participated in the tour, I very much appreciate all you have done.
Ok no more sappiness, Ella would be so disappointed in me. ;-) On to the prize. One signed copy of Dark Corners and a $10 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes and Noble (your choice). Enter to win by commenting below what your favorite stop was on the blog tour and why. Be sure to include your email address.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Please enter me in the contest to win Dark Corners! Thanks,
My favorite is the final stop . . Actually, I can't remember my fav, but its the one that had me looking where to buy the book if I didn't win. Would LOVE LOVE LOVE a signed copy, that would be the most awesome thing ever!
Stephanie O.
I have to say the first stop because I learned more about the book and characters. But also the last stop because I can win the best prize.
Thanks for all the great stops
Lmbrunken AT gmail DOT com
My favorite stop of the blog tour was the final spot - a) because it's my friend Liz, and b) because I just saw that you're reading a Jim Butcher in the blog post below and I just bought my first Dresden Files book!
Oh, and I REALLY want to win. :)
email: tiffanyannewhite@yahoo.com
I kinda loved all of them, between reviews, interviews and excerpt I can't decide a specific one :)
I forgot to announce but the big winner is LMBrunken! Yay!!
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