Top 10 Hottest TV Men With Badges and the Top Five Yummy Usual Suspects:
1. Marshall Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant- Justified). Like there was ever a doubt he would be number one on my list. That face, that stare, that gun, that slow, sultry twang, oh my! *fans self*
2.Sheriff Carter (Colin Ferguson- Eureka). This is my shout out to the sweet, family guy. He is honest, genuinely nice, and isn't shoot first ask questions later (I know, not at all my type, but I adore him anyway).
3. Interim Sheriff Nathan Wuornos (Lucas Bryant- Haven). He is quirky, loves pancakes, wonderfully serious, and cannot feel a thing. But Nathan Wuornos has a way of giving his partner, Audrey, the most heart melting, endearing looks I have ever seen.
4. Deputy Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln- Walking Dead). Rick proves that just because its the end of the world doesn't mean you cannot still be a nice, stand-up sort of guy. Some of his decisions might be questionable, but no one can deny his heart is always in the right place.
5. Special Agent Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore, Criminal Minds). Derek is by far the prettiest of all the criminal profilers to ever grace the BAU, but don't let that fool you, the Morgan tackle is just one running bad guy away at any moment. He is hot, serious about what he does, and completely in need of a fictional TV girl friend.
Gah! Five is too few. No sooner do I finish this list then more pop into my head (The guy from the Glades!). Did I miss your favorites? Please share in the comments then pop over to Cait's page to see her top five men with badges or if you are more into the criminal element stop by authors Elizabeth Sharp and Tiffany White's pages to see their line up of the criminally misunderstood.
I vote Morgan and Garcia. I may have to start watching Haven, that man is beautiful.
OmgOmgOmg! I LOVE love LOVE Marshall Raylan Givens! Can't get enough of Timothy Olyphant - ever. Thank you for agreeing he should be #1. You have excellent taste. :)
I've been seeing a lot of T. Olyphant on the web in the last few weeks...I'm starting to see the appeal!!
Yeah, you missed all of my favorites. I have never heard of any of those guys, except for Shamar Moore. He is a total hottie, but he will always be a soap star to me. What about Booth from Bones? The guy from The Glades? Swarek from Rookie Blue? Javi from Castle?
@comingalive Haven is so good. It is like X-Files meets Twin Peaks with a flair of Stephen King.
@Debrakristi- I know, right! Timothy Olyphant could be my muse for just about any characters. *le sigh*
@Coleen you should watch the show. It is more than just his looks, I swear it is everything about him.
@Emma I know as soon as I finished this list so many more popped into my head. I know Agent Booth my Cait's list. I haven't seen Rookie Blue and I forgot all about Castle.
Yum! Nathan is my favorite there is just something about his quiet manner that drives me crazy. Thanks for this post I needed to do some daydreaming today.
I can't wait for Haven to restart, gah! I love everything about Nathan. I like Duke too, but not as much as Nathan.
I absolutely LOVE Raylan Givens. Actually, I'll take Timothy Olyphant in absolutely anything. I also adore Derek Morgan (even back from his Y&R days); if I was Garcia, I'd flirt like all get out with him too. :)
Thanks for inviting me to do this series today. I had a blast searching for hot bad boy pics. Heehee
They're all dreamy! Still, my favorite all time hottie is Robert Conrad from the Wild, Wild West, some decades ago. You're probably too young to remember it!
ooh, I have always loved Timothy Olyphant! He definitely doesn't hurt the eyes Liz.
The other guys I don't know because I don't have TV. But you do have good taste Liz.
This was a fun change. :)
Special Agent Derek Morgan. 'Nuff said. :)
@Tiffany Thank you for participating. I love everyone on your bad guy list. You are like my TV twin.
@Lyn No sadly I don't remember the show. However, I think I was remiss not to have someone from the Magnificent Seven TV show on my list. I love gunslingers.
@Karen I would get so much more work done if I didn't have a TV, but alas I cannot imagine life without it.
@Laura I especially love the "Morgan tackle". He just come out of no where and tackles the bad guy and I get all giggly. :-)
Nathan has my vote! ~ Jess
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