How much is true, I don't know. But here is the story because it is fun.
-Benjamin Wilson: 1868 house was completed for Wilson (there
is debate on whether he was a cotton merchant or some sort of military. Wilson
moved in with wife and youngest child, who was 9 years old. Wife died of yellow
fever and Wilson didn’t know how to handle a child. He decided to keep her
inside where she was safe. One day he came home from work and caught her
playing in the square with other children. He was furious, dragging her back by
the ear while she was kicking and screaming. Inside the neighbors heard her
yelling and crying. Several women went up to the door and knocked. Wilson told
them in no uncertain terms his child was none of their business.
The next day they say the girl tied to a chair next to the
window where she could see the park but not go. This went on for days. Until
one day Wilson came home and the neighbors heard loud yelling and furniture
being overturned. They thought maybe the child escaped. They started toward the
house and he sticks his head out of the second floor window and tells them if
they come any closer he will make them regret it. A few minutes later he jumps
from the window with a noose around his neck and kills himself. The neighbors
go inside and find the girl still tied to the chair, dead from dehydration.
1870- A cotton plantation own and his family move into the
house. No one really talks about what happened there. He had three girls:
10,12, and 15. One night he attends a party with his wife. They come home to
find the 10 year old beaten to death in the park, the 12 year old decapitated
in the doorway, and the 15 year old hanging from a noose from the second story
1960’s- Family comes home to find three of four daughters
killed (with their organs removed) and laid out in a triangle on the parlor
room floor. The fourth child is found
hiding in a bedroom curled in a fetal position and struck mute.
1973- Purchased by Omi G. Walden for 75,000. Still owns to
this day. Has never lived in or rented the house in any way. According to
property records main three floors are uninhabitable, but top floor is. Owner
claims to be doing renovations herself but neighbors say no renovations have
ever been done.
Legend is (according to tour) her mother and sister were
raped and murdered in the house and she came home to find them which is why she
bought the house and set up a trust to care for it so no one else could be
killed by the house.
-Dave the tour guide (date uncertain)- Took a group on a
walking tour. Two women wanted to go up the steps and peek through the mail
slot. He let them and when they looked through the screamed and ran away, but
one tripped and broke her leg. They both swear they saw an angry old man
running toward them.
-Women have reported feeling sick or getting headaches when
walking in front of the house or near it. Many pictures claim to have caught
paranormal phenomena outside of the house or faces in the window/plaster on the
-Claims that 34 women have been brutally killed in the
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