First I am giving away an ARC to one person when I reach 500 fans (only 19 away). Second, I am giving away a bookmark to everyone who comments on this post with their favorite fictional stalker. **Don't forget to leave your email address!** :-)
Great, Liv, now you're hoping he’s a more dedicated stalker.
I stopped in front of him and studied the determination settled across his face, which was now completely smooth of all lines. His eyes never moved or fluttered. I took a deep breath.
He opened his eyes—his perfectly normal eyes: green flecked with gold. The only change was that now they lacked their indifference; an inner flame waged war against the coldness surrounding it.
Love it! Can't wait to read it!
How exciting! Thanks so much! Have a wonderful day Liz!
Just started reading Liz! I should have my review done by next week! :)
Favorite fictional stalker??? Would it be bad if I said Draven Blackrayne from my own book? lol
Sounds awesome Liz! Can't wait to read it! My favorite fictional stalker would have to be Michael from the movie Halloween. That counts as fiction, right? Creeeepppyyy!
Oh wow.. favorite fictional stalker? Does Steve Urkel count?? At least he was funny! LOL! Can't wait to read your new book!!
imabookshark AT yahoo DOT com
-Mickey @ imabookshark
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