Monday, March 9, 2009

Why my dogs hate me...

We have been meaning to get the dogs hair but for a while now, but I never seem to remember to make them an appointment with the groomer. So last night we decided to give the dogs a "trim" so they would stop bringing so much dirt into the house. Poor Whiskey now looks like she was run over by a lawn mower. She has sprouts of hair and bald patches. She has a constant walleyed and crazed look about her. Then little Rachel, well I trimmed less of her. I left her body alone and just focused on her head and feet. In retrospect maybe I should have worked on her body too because she looks like a tiny little sheep with a huge body and a tiny little surprised flat head.
My poor babies, look dejected every time I put them outside like they don't want the other neighborhood dogs to see them... and rightly so.

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