Friday, January 30, 2015

Flash Fiction Friday #BraveWriting

Okay, so this week's flash fiction challenge was this.

"Write a story in present tense about the girl in the picture below. What is she listening to on the radio? Show how it reflects her mood about where she is going without stating the mood. (this challenges us to write in present tense as well as to work on as well as using elements of the setting to tell us about the character)

So here goes!

Song: Sick Muse – Metric

I can see the city still miles away, but closer than it has ever been. My car slows to a stop on the empty highway as Metric blares from my speakers too loud for sitting still, but just loud enough for driving fast. Fast is the only way I want to drive. Each mile my tires gobble up is another one away from Harvey.
Pssh. Harvey. What kind of stupid name is that? It’s a hipster name that’s what it is—probably not even his real name. His entire persona is an affectation down to his fake glasses, teal shorts, and $90 t-shirt that looks like it comes from Goodwill—but doesn’t. Add a blond straggly beard, shitty music playing in the background on a record player, and a $6 cup of coffee made by a giant corporation he claims to hate but still frequents daily, and that is exactly how he looked when I left.
My head bobs up and down to the music and I sing with the singer about living my life instead of being tied down by Cupid’s plans and those nasty little arrows. He says I’m a sellout because I want to make money doing my art instead of letting my parents support me. How does that even make sense?
Well one thing is for certain, I’m not with stupid anymore. So yeah, Cupid, take your arrows back or I will pluck them out myself. Perhaps money is a sick muse, but this sellout is ready to play the lead.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow, Liz. This is some amazing flash fiction!!

Liz Schulte's Blog said...

Thanks @OptimisticExistentialist

Ev Bishop said...

Love this! I felt like I was right there--and I'm so glad she ditched that pretentious git, Harvey. I cheered at the end line. :)

Ilham Liya said...

An interesting discussion is worth comment. I think that you should write more on this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but generally people are not enough to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers
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